Dec 22, 2019
In this episode you’ll hear an inspiring story of transformation through a lifestyle based on a healthy plant, body and mind focus.
Jeffrey Lester, originally from Atlanta in the USA, transformed himself from a people-pleasing, academic achievement-focused and obese young adult to a mature, wise, kind and purpose-focused man living a lifestyle of service, exploration and fulfillment, which he does by traveling the world teaching yoga and meditation retreats.
I hope you will be intrigued by Jeff’s story as he describes his traumatic childhood, which due to an unhealthy relationship with food, led him to become significantly overweight, weighing close to 130kg. As he buried himself in high school and university studies, aiming to achieve academically, Jeff realised he was very unhappy with his life situation.
He had begun to be more physically active, which then led to him eating more healthy food and becoming passionate about running group fitness classes. When one day a friend told him “if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” he started ruminating on what he really should do with his life. When he then had to make an important decision about his mother’s life a spiritual awakening began.
Without spoiling the story, Jeff is now touring and exploring the world, leading yoga and meditation retreats, and seems abundantly happy doing what he describes as his life mission.
My wife Claire and I became friends with Jeff at a retreat hosted by Rich Roll and Julie Piatt a couple of years ago. When Jeff told us he was coming to Melbourne earlier this year, he stayed with us and led a cacao ceremony at the yoga studio we attend, a very profound spiritual event for both of us. We also took the opportunity to record this long form conversation for the show.
As we approach Christmas and the New Year, when many of us reflect on our purpose, our direction and our goals, this podcast should really plant some seeds for how you might be able to be more healthy, fit and fulfilled.
Please enjoy hearing the story of Jeff Lester’s powerful journey of self-discovery.
Live well, feel well, do well.
Andrew Davies
About the New Normal Project podcast: The podcast is aimed to inspire and empower you to live your most plant-based, body-moving and mind-focused lifestyle, by hearing scientific evidence, experience-based information and real-life stories in the areas of the healthy lifestyle pillars such as nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, sleep, connection and purpose. You’ll hopefully glean insights to help you to consider making choices about your daily habits so you become more healthy, fulfilled and conscious.
Although I’m a doctor this is not medical advice, as I don’t know your personal circumstances or your health conditions. Please see this as information for you to consider, and then to look up more about, so you can discuss it with your doctor.
Links related to Jeff Lester
Jeff Lester at Happy Jack Yoga
Links to people and resources (in order of mentioning)
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Andrew Davies on Instagram: @andrewdavies66
Andrew Davies on Twitter: @andrewdavies66